US Economy Bounces Back with 2.5 Million Jobs Added in May

The United States has seen more jobs added last month as the nation reopens in several phases

Unemployment dropped to 13.3 percent in May as companies added 2.5 million jobs, making it the best four weeks for US job growth since 1939. From restaurants to retail, people across America are finding new jobs in the USA or returning to their old ones.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, close to 1.4 million jobs were added back to the restaurants and bars sector as they reopened around the United States. Although considered an essential business, they could only operate as takeout and delivery. Some stores found it unfeasible to meet the requirements or had other concerns and remained closed.

Jobs Added in May

The construction industry increased positions by 464,000 in May, gaining back close to half of what was lost in April. Clothing stores have seen the most significant gains in the retail business. Over 367,000 jobs were reopened in the sector. Starting in March, Walmart said the company added more than 300,000 employees in the US. There are many open opportunities available in the US.

Jobs Added in the Food Sector Alone

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